Movies, Television shows, Music videos and Writing
As an actor, i've been blessed with many wonderful experiences on set of many films and television shows and I am thankful for the wonderful opportunities in the industry to start my acting career.

this is my First featured role. it all started one day in 2017 while i was working on set of black panther. i met and made an impression off a crew member then one day while i was working on set of avengers infinity war i received a message from my casting agency saying she wanting to offer me a role she explained why it turns out the same crew member from black panther submitted me for the role herself and she told the agency all about me and she turns out to be one of my casting agencies assistant's. i got the opperunity to portray Naomie Harris's younger brother for rampage movie.

this was one of my First Marvel productions. one day around the time in 2017 i was looking for new opportunity's and i found a casting call for black panther i got the opportunity to portray one of Wakanda tribe citizens on warrior falls on challenge day. on the day of filming i met & made an impression off a crew member then one day while i was working on set of avengers infinity war i recivce a message from my casting agency saying that she has a role for a flim that she would like to offer me i called her back she explained to me why and about the role. it turns out the same crew member from black panther submitted me for the role herself, she told my agency all about me and she turns out to be one of my casting agencies assistant's. i got the opperunity to portray Naomie Harris's little brother on rampage.

thor ragnarok is my 3rd marvel production this started when one day around the same time in 2017 at first i submitted for a casting call for avengers infinity war few months later on my 20th birthday i received a call from my casting agency that i got the role i got the opperunity to portray one of Thor's Asgradian's in  avengers infinity war then few months ago i received a call from my agency informed me that the crew was filming Thor Ragnarok me and the other Asgradians got the opperunity to join the cast as the same characters

this is my 2nd marvel production this started when one day around the same time in 2017 at first i submitted for a casting call then few months later on the day of my 20th birthday i received a call from my casting agency that i got the role that i submitted for i got the opportunity to portray one of Thor's Asgardian's in  avengers infinity war then few months ago i received a call from my agency informed me that the crew was filming another marvel film called Thor Ragnarok me and the other Asgardians got the opportunity to join the cast as the same characters

this is my first speaking role film. one night in 2017 while i was working on set of step up high water while having a conversation with my friend & the other background actors he explained to us about connections where others can share casting calls for their productions & find auditions for speaking roles for independent projects he referred me to it one day i was looking for opportunity's then one day i submitted for a casting call for a documentary film called my story of Sam which is based on a true story about actress Leigh takata surviving from rape by her ex-boyfriend at first i intented to submitted for a friends role but then i received a message from the director saying that id would love to use you as one of my coworkers and i got the role without an audition. i got the opportunity to portray one of Leigh takata's real life co-workers. after we finished filming we had our premiere event to share this experience with everyone i got the opportunity to attend my first premiere event for the first time right before i attended school.

this is my 4th production. around the same time in 2016 when i started in the film industry as a known background actor. one day i found a casting call for this production i submitted for it then i recviced a message from my casting agency saying that i that i got the role. i got the opperunity to portray one of the player expo attendees at the video game convention and the teenage cowboy in the american flag T-shirt  at the country fair

one day while looking for new roles i found a casting call for full count at first on the day of filming i was booked to be one of the baseball attenattes but then one of the crew members asked me if i ever had experienced baseball before i said yes then i got the opportunity to portray one of the main actor Milton's  Teammates on the wolverine baseball team